November Newsletter

Text Box: School SpotlightText Box: At-A-GlancePre-K:

Text Box: BeLL ELementary LL ELementar Newsletter Ms. Jocelyn's class is working on learning the names and sounds of the first letters of our students' names. Please practice with your child the name and sound of the first letter of their names, as well as counting aloud beginning with 1. Please have your students bring their backpacks on Thursdays as we send home their blankets for the weekend, and please send their blankets for naptime.


Text Box: For the FIRST time ever there was a three-way tie for the winner of a monthly challenge. 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade each earned 17 tallies for donating candy. Great job!Text Box: Text Box: November Dates to RememberText Box: Nov 1st-2nd: Dia De los Muertos Nov. 4th: 1st Quarter Honor Roll Assembly Nov. 21st-25th: Thanksgiving Break! Kindergarten students enjoyed visits from the Deming Police Department and Border Patrol during Red Ribbon Week.



First graders are learning the letters and sounds to decode words. They are having fun learning and doing great!


2nd Grade Leos-

Thank you to students who participated in the October

challenge! You guys rock!

Nov 4th- Ice Cream Party

Students keep studying your vocabulary and spelling


Field trip- TBA

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving Break.


Text Box: Text Box: November Citizenship ChallengeText Box: In the month of November, students will be challenged to decorate a gratitude rock! Students will work on these in art and leadership academy. Rocks will be voted on, there will be a winner for each grade level.We are working on finding the area of shapes. Also, keep working on memorizing the multiplication facts.


Please continue to practice your math facts! Also remember to read for at least 20 minutes a day!


Text Box: Reminder: Please send your child to school with their water bottle, especially on days they have PE.Text Box: In 5th grade we will continue working on our nonfiction article. Please encourage your child to read nonfiction informational articles this month! In math we will continue working on dividing decimals and soon will work with fractions! Continue to practice your multiplication/division facts.

Text Box: Text Box: SChOOL-WIDe NeWsText Box: Kim Gibson Ms. Gibson is a Special Education teacher at Bell Elementary. She helps welcome students in the morning, teaches during after school program, and assists teachers meet the needs of special education students. Ms. Gibson has recently also been supporting substitute teachers in the building. Thank you for all you do Ms. Gibson! Text Box: Leadership Academy BlogText Box: November is GRATITUDE month! We will be learning how to be thankful. We will also begin Habit 2 in how to be a leader.Text Box: Kindergarten students enjoyed visits from the Deming Police Department and Border Patrol during Red Ribbon Week.Text Box: Reminder!Text Box: Popcorn and pickle sales will take place every Text Box: Wednesday at Bell Elementary. The cost is $1/item.