Online School Registration is Open May 1, 2023 for the 2023-2024 School Year PreK, Kinder, and New Students

Online registration is open, beginning Monday, May 1, 2023, for PreK, Kinder, and new students to the district. The registration website link is available on the Deming Public Schools website , under Registration. We encourage families to look at the site to become acquainted with the required information and documents needed to complete online registration successfully. All new elementary students are required to register at their boundary school, based on the student’s current address. Please visit and choose “Registration” at the top, select “Find My School” on the left hand links to determine your boundary school.
As you begin the online enrollment application, please be sure you are selecting the 2023-2024 school year.
Parents/guardians are not required to re-register their student online if they attended grades K-12 at Deming Public Schools and completed the 22-23 school year. Eligible PreK students must register for Kindergarten.
All PreK students in program will need to register for the 23-24 school year, even those with an IEP. If your student was on the waiting list for last year, you must complete a new online registration. All PreK programs are served on a first come, first served basis.
After the parent/guardian has registered their student online, verification of documents can occur anytime between Monday, May 1, 2023 and the end of school Friday, May 31, 2023. Parents/guardians may visit their boundary school from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for document verification. Parents/guardians will need to provide the following documents when visiting the school:
• Student birth certificate
• Parent/guardian identification
• Proof of address
• Up to date vaccination records
Current 501P transfers on file will be approved for the 23-24 SY. Moving forward, 501P Transfers will be done via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and is called "School Choice.” All parents are encouraged to sign up for a Portal account.
If parents/guardians would like to request enrollment at an elementary school outside of their boundary zone, a School Choice request must be submitted. After registration is completed at the student’s boundary school, the School Choice Request should be completed by the parent/guardian in their Infinite Campus Parent Portal. All new transfer requests will only be accepted from May 10th-June 7th and will be on hold until the start of the 23-24 school year, as the district examines available space across all school sites. A release with more information regarding School Choice is forthcoming.
Please note, transfer requests for Bataan Elementary will not be accepted as Bataan Elementary is at full capacity with current boundary student projections. Only current 501P transfers on file for Bataan will be approved for the 23-24 SY.
Families in need of assistance with technology or other supports to register, should contact their boundary school to schedule an appointment for assistance.